Our partner Mihkel Miidla, senior associate Liisa Maria Kuuskmaa, and associate Stella Victoria Ojala updated the article “Data Transfers – Estonia” published in OneTrust DataGuidance in June.

According to Liisa Maria Kuuskmaa, the article is updated annually to reflect changes in legislation, new court and administrative practices, and other news in this field.

Kuuskmaa believes the article benefits all businesses and institutions involved in processing personal data in any way. “Primarily, it is relevant for those who transfer personal data outside of Europe as part of their operations, for instance, using service providers located outside of Europe,” she adds.

“The article extensively covers sector-specific requirements for telecommunications service providers, the insurance sector, and providers of essential services. This makes it of particular interest to them,” says Kuuskmaa.

The main chapters of the article are as follows:

  • Governing Texts
  • Definitions
  • Scope of Application
  • Restrictions on the Transfer of Data
  • Data Localization
  • Sector-Specific Restrictions
  • Data Transfer Solutions
  • Sanctions

Read the article “Data Transfers – Estonia” here: Estonia – Data Transfers _ Guidance Note _ DataGuidance