We successfully represented Estonian leading fencer Sten Priinits in appeal proceedings contesting his competition ban.

A first in Estonia

The Estonian Center for Integrity in Sports (ESTCIS) disciplinary committee issued a decision sanctioning the athlete with an 18-month ineligibility period due to alleged whereabouts failures. Allegedly, Priinits was unavailable for three tests within 12 months.

This is the first case in Estonia of a competition ban being imposed due to three missed tests. The competition ban essentially covered any activity in sport – as well as banning competing, it also banned, for example, coaching.

A landmark decision for the protection of athletes’ interests

The Estonian anti-doping appeals body annulled the sanction imposed on Priinits. A competition ban and the alleged violation of anti-doping rules are a severe blow to any athlete’s career and reputation, meaning this is an important decision from the perspective of protecting the athlete’s interests. Additionally, the decision contributes to shaping a consistent practice for handling anti-doping cases in the future.

The lifting of the competition ban means that, although Priinits has missed the Zonal Qualifying Tournament, he will now attempt to apply for a wild card in cooperation with the national federation, potentially allowing him to compete in the XXXIII Olympic Games starting at the end of July.

Our client team

Our client team was led by associate Polina Tšernjak, supported by partner Carri Ginter, senior associate Mario Sõrm, and assistant lawyer Joosep Kuusk.