We advised Metsäliitto Cooperative, a Finnish forest industry sector player, on selling its subsidiary Metsa Forest Latvia SIA to ACA Timber SIA.

About transaction

The arrangement aims further to increase the flexibility of Metsä Group’s wood supply.

The divestment of the Latvian wood supply operations will not have a material financial impact on Metsä Group’s wood supply and forest services business. The closing of this transaction is subject to approval by the competition authority.

Our involvement

We have assisted the client throughout the whole sales process, including the legal due diligence process, drafting transaction documentation and negotiating the transaction terms, with a merger notification to the Competition Council, and signing the transaction documents. Currently, the transaction is pending its closing.

Our team

Our team consisted of partner Nauris Grigals and senior associates Natālija Ešenberga and Marika Grunte.