We advised Inion LT, a startup developing solutions for solar power plant-generated electrical energy optimisation and monitoring, on attracting a EUR 500,000 investment. Venture capital fund Koinvesticinis fondas invested in the company together with business angels, venture capital fund Contrarian Ventures and startup accelerator 70 Ventures. More efficient use of electricity Inion LT developed a […]
Sorainen in close co-operation with lead advisor Loyens & Loeff (Brussels) and the client’s financial and technical teams provided full legal assistance at the bidding stage to Kekava ABT consortium members in relation to participation in this landmark PPP project in Latvia – Kekava Bypass. About the project Kekava Bypass will become a part of […]
We provided legal assistance to event planning association “Šarmants” in a dispute over intellectual property. The core of the dispute concerns rights to the concept of an event – a matter that Latvian case law has paid little regard to. The client was advised by partner Andris Tauriņš.
Deals & Cases / Maksim Salahub, Marina Golovnitskaya, Yauheni Budchanka
We assisted Papa John’s International, an American pizza restaurant franchise, with all matters related to local franchising operations, including contractual work. Our team was engaged in restructuring the client’s franchise relations in Belarus. The project concerned preparing a set of agreements aimed at 1) change of the franchisee to the subfranchisee, 2) assignment of particular […]
We advised real estate development company Darnu Group on a construction work agreement with UAB Naresta for the sixth stage of Paupys district. Darnu Group is starting on the last construction work The sixth block of Paupys was designed by Kančo studija architects Gustė Kančaitė and Kęstutis Kajokas. Most of it (over 11,200 sq. m) […]