Deals & Cases / Karl Kask / Põllumajandusuudised
We successfully represented Halinga, one of Estonia’s largest raw milk producers, in a court dispute with PRIA (Agricultural Registers and Information Board) concerning the durability requirement of EU aid. Focus on appropriate use The dispute began when PRIA aimed to recover the EU agricultural aid it had granted to Halinga, on the basis of reported […]
We represented Tallinna Jäätmetetaaskasutuskeskus (TJT) in a public procurement dispute related to the waste management and transportation services. Focus on tender price The case involved a complaint from Eesti Keskkonnateenused against Viimsi municipality and TJT as the successful tenderer that TJT’s tender price was unreasonably low. As part of the services to Viimsi municipality, TJT […]
We advised cleaning service company Švaros broliai on developing a franchising model. So far this year the company has already concluded four transactions successfully transferring tunnel car wash businesses to new operators under a franchise agreement. Among the first Lithuanian companies to develop franchising model According to Ignas Pranskevičius, Executive Director of Švaros Broliai, the […]
We advised the Estonian technology company Milrem Robotics on raising 5.5 million euros. Within the framework of the capital raising transactions that took place this and last year, several well-known Estonian investors contributed to the company. Investment in the companys development Jüri Käo, Peeter Mänd, Heldur Meerits, Taavi Veskimägi, Gunnar Kraft, Toomas Bergmann, Urmas Past […]
We are advising Fortum Corporation in the purchase by its subsidiary Fortum Heat Estonia who is acquiring a 40% stake in the district heating and cooling group Fortum Tartu from Giga. Increasing flexibility With the transaction, Fortum increases its ownership in Fortum Tartu to 100% (from 60%). With this step Fortum is looking to increase the flexibility […]