Sorainen assisted the Lithuanian Ministry of Finance in issuing two (ten and thirty–year) Eurobonds and borrowing EUR 750 million and EUR 550 million accordingly. The ten-year EUR 750 million Eurobond will have the lowest coupon in the country’s history at 0.95%. The Eurobond has been issued at a yield of 1.129% and an issue price […]
Lindström, one of Europe’s leading textile service companies with over 165 years of experience in the textile industry, has expanded its business in Latvia by opening a new factory in the town of Tukums. The factory will provide 120 jobs and goods produced there will mostly be exported. Sorainen advised the client in negotiations with […]
Sorainen Latvia advised Medap Systems, a Latvian developer of medical diagnostics equipment software, on trade mark registration and intellectual property protection issues. Sorainen prepared a legal opinion on registrability of the client’s trade marks and contracts related to software protection. The matter is important as it concerns know-how and intellectual property developed by local entrepreneurs […]
Sorainen advised 4finance in a USD 325 million bond issue due in 2022. The bonds are listed on the Global Exchange Market of the Irish Stock Exchange. 4finance is Europe’s largest online mobile consumer lending group. Sorainen acted as the issuer’s local legal adviser for the new bond issue and advised on Lithuanian law. Our […]
Sorainen successfully represented Dujotekana, one of the largest companies in Lithuania operating in the natural gas market, in a court dispute against a former employee regarding illegal dismissal and payment of severance compensation amounting to approx EUR 1 million. Although the decision of the court of first instance was favourable to the employee, the Lithuanian […]