Deals & Cases / Maksim Salahub, Ann Laevskaya, Viktoryia Mikhnevich
Sorainen Belarus advised Bank of Moscow, a member of Russia’s VTB Group, on the sale of its Belarusian subsidiary, Bank Moscow-Minsk, to the Belarusian state. The state was represented in the transaction by the National Bank of Belarus and government-owned Paritetbank, which respectively acquired 99.75 % and 0.25 % shares in the target bank. The […]
Sorainen Belarus advised Russian Railways in connection with creation of the United Transport & Logistics Company (UTLC) together with the national railway companies of Belarus and Kazakhstan for the transport of containerised cargo within the Common Economic Space, including transit between Europe and Asia. Formation of UTLC is one of the largest projects in the […]
Sorainen Belarus advised Apalon Technologies, a Belarus-based Top 10 developer of iOS applications worldwide, on sale of its mobile applications business to Mindspark Interactive Network, an operating business of NASDAQ-listed InterActive Corp. The financial terms of the deal, which was closed on 3 November 2014, remain confidential. Apalon Technologies Ltd is a leading provider of mobile […]
Sorainen Belarus acted as local counsel for the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) on the extension of a USD 15 million loan to the “Vasily Kozlov” Minsk Electrotechnical Plant (METZ). The loan agreement was signed in Minsk on 18 August to finance modernisation of equipment used in production of transformers. Total project value exceeds USD 55 […]
Sorainen has advised Nordea, the largest financial services group in northern Europe, on the transfer of its Baltic banking business, operated by Nordea Bank Finland in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, to its Swedish parent company Nordea Bank. This was the first transfer of a pan-Baltic credit institution business as a going concern of such scale […]