We advised Škoda in a public procurement conducted by Eesti Liinirongid (brand name Elron) for purchasing 6 trains with an additional option to buy 10 more trains in the coming years. Modernisation of Estonian train fleet ‘‘The new trains will contribute greatly to increasing the environmental friendliness of our transport connections, and launching those trains […]
Deals & Cases / Piret Jesse, Lauri Liivat, Pirkko-Liis Harkmaa, Piibe Lehtsaar, Robin Teever, Liisa Maria Kuuskmaa, Nele Suurmets, Eva Berlaus, Andis Burkevics, Natālija Ešenberga, Marika Grunte, Monika Mališauskaitė-Vaupšienė, Aurelija Daubaraitė, Jonas Kiauleikis, Lukas Vaišvila, Dobilė Minkutė, Jurgita Tekorienė, Sidas Sokolovas / Äripäev
Our pan-Baltic M&A team advised Fenner Dunlop, a part of the Michelin Group, on the acquisition of Technobalt Estonia, one of the largest conveyor services providers in the Baltics. Conveyor services in focus Founded in 1994, Technobalt operates mainly in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Their main activity is the maintenance of conveyor systems and the […]
Deals & Cases / Kiryl Apanasevich, Artem Melnikovich, Ann Laevskaya
Sorainen Belarus assisted the International Finance Corporation (IFC) with the extension to Belaruski Narodny Bank of a loan of up to USD 20 million. The loan is aimed to support the borrower’s working capital, as well as its trade-related lending programme for Belarusian businesses in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic. USD 10 million of the […]
We advised Reorg, a global provider of financial and legal intelligence, on acquiring Aggredium Finance, a specialist in European sub-investment grade credit bond and loan data. Acquisition to further enhance Reorg’s analysis and reporting “As part of our global growth strategy, Reorg continues to invest in each of our regions. We are delighted to add […]
We advised Finnish state-owned company Vapo on the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary Nevel, to French private investment company Ardian. Nevel is a leading provider of district heating and industrial energy solutions, owning and operating more than 130 heating and power plants. Nevel is also responsible for the operation of more than 40 district […]