We advised PlanB Labs, an Estonian start-up developing the Language Drops language learning platform, in preparing for and closing the sale of Drops to Kahoot!, the world’s leading game-based learning platform. TOP 5 exit in Estonia Kahoot! is acquiring 100% of the shares in Drops for a total consideration reflecting an enterprise value of USD 31 […]
We assisted Topup in creating a new mobile application, called TopUp, by offering the necessary legal support. Our assistance This assistance included developing relevant documentation (including the terms and conditions, and agreements with clients and cooperation partners) to facilitate the smooth launch of the TopUp application. The application is a digital platform that connects companies […]
We provided legal assistance and represented the client in a post-M&A dispute, which arose from foreign investment in a Latvian company. Development of the proceedings To ensure a positive outcome for the client, in national court we requested security of the claim before initiating the arbitral proceedings. Subsequently, we initiated the arbitral proceedings in the […]
We advised INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II in acquiring seven companies from the agricultural business group Linas Agro Group for a total of EUR 13.6 million. The newly acquired companies indirectly own 2,000 ha of agricultural land. The fund acquired 100% of the shares of the Latvian Zemvalda land management holdings group from […]
Deals & Cases / Piret Jesse, Piret Lappert, Paul Künnap, Algirdas Pekšys, Jānis Taukačs, Norman Aas, Andis Burkevics, Darius Raulušaitis, Dr Kaido Künnapas, Lise-Lotte Lääne, Renāte Purvinska, Britta Retel, Agita Sprūde, Natālija Ešenberga, Robin Teever, Līva Aleksejeva, Juliana Pavilovska, Nele Suurmets
We advised Hexatronic, a Swedish industrial group, on the acquisition of Estonia-based Baltronic and Canada-based Toronics, acting as local advisors through Advokatfirman Vinge, one of the largest law firms in Sweden. Strong presence in the Baltics as a result of the transaction Baltronic and Toronics supply and assembly fibre optic products with a focus on […]