Deals & Cases / Saulė Dagilytė, Mantas Petkevičius, Tomas Kontautas, Eva Berlaus, Rūdolfs Eņģelis, Karin Madisson, Agnė Sovaitė, Inga Macijauskaitė, Rasa Mikutienė, Zane Paeglīte, Santa Rubīna, Aija Lasmane, Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen, Nele Suurmets, Monika Tomberg, Tanel Molok, Irma Kunickė, Aurelija Daubaraitė
We advised Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) – one of the biggest international insurers in Central and Eastern Europe – on consolidating the business of its group non-life insurance companies Compensa and Seesam in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This is potentially the biggest cross-border merger in the Baltics in 2020. Optimising group structure As a result […]
We advised real estate development company Darnu Group on the sale of the second building – East Hill – in the Park Town business centre. This is one of the largest commercial property sale transactions completed in the Baltics this year. The 15,000 m2 Class A office building was acquired by an investment company jointly […]
We advised Koinvesticinis fondas on investing in Cogastro – a Lithuanian startup which has developed the world’s first computer programme for insect farm monitoring and management. Koinvesticinis fondas together with three business angels invested EUR 100,000 in the startup. Although the Cogastro application was officially launched only in March, it is already being used by […]
We advised real estate investment and management company Technopolis on signing an office lease agreement with Western Union Processing Lithuania (WU). The company, managed by the money transfer company Western Union, has leased more than 15,000 m2 of office space, making it the largest office lease transaction in the Vilnius market this year. WU expanding […]
We assisted the Kino pavasaris Vilnius International Film Festival in removing counterfeit copies of the Oscar-winning movie “Parasite” from illegal torrent sites available in Lithuania. The movie was included in the programme of the digital festival held from 19 March–2 April 2020. Some infringers promptly removed the content voluntarily upon demand, while others required us […]