Deals & Cases
Nasdaq CSD SE has completed a cross-border merger with Nasdaq CSD Iceland hf. Nasdaq CSD is headquartered in Latvia and also provides central securities depositary services in Lithuania and Estonia. With this transaction, it has consolidated Baltic and Icelandic CSD services under one company, thus achieving higher efficiency and greater competitiveness. After the merger Nasdaq […]
Deals & Cases / Alexey Anischenko, Kirill Laptev, Katsiaryna Hashko
Our arbitration team successfully represented the interests of OJSC “MMW named after S.I. Vavilov – the managing company of BelOMO holding” (BelOMO), a leading Belarusian enterprise specialising in optomechanical and optoelectronic equipment at the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Due to non-payment by a foreign buyer for goods delivered […]
We advised telecommunications company Bitė on signing an agreement with the Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre (Telecentras) on the acquisition of Telecentras‘ internet, data transmission and IPTV business under the Mezon brand. The transaction, valued over EUR 20 million, has to be approved by the Competition Council and regulatory authorities. Mezon internet used by 97,000 […]
We successfully defended our clients’ interests in an employment dispute alleging unfair competition in the form of transition of employees from Company A to competitor Company B and alleged luring of customers. In this case we represented Company B and the four employees who transitioned from Company A. The court found that transitioning of employees […]
Our Risk Management, Corporate Crime Investigations & Defence specialists assisted SeAH Changwon Integrated Special Steel Corporation, in asset recovery. Client officially recognised as victim The case involved cross-border criminal investigations into cybercrime, which involved fraudulent transfers of large sums of money and money laundering. Due to effective cooperation with the investigative authorities and prosecutors, we […]