We are advising Baltic private equity investment fund Livonia Partners in the acquisition of Klaasimeister, an Estonia-based export-driven glass processing company. The parties have reached an agreement and the transaction is expected to close at a later date, subject to approval by the Estonian Competition Authority. Bringing the company to next phase Klaasimeister is a […]
We assisted BnB Group, a rapidly expanding logistics company in Lithuania, in a dispute with a Latvian customs broker and Russian customs regarding a customs debt. The debt was imposed on our client for failing to deliver a cargo to customs within transit terms. The cargo was stolen using a scam scheme. Eventually, an amicable […]
We represented Latvijas Pārtikas ražotājs, a popular Latvian manufacturer of culinary products and confectionery, that successfully developed “Latvijas Labumi” the trade mark, in a dispute that lasted almost three years with Andrejs Fraimanis for invalidation of an immovable property (production facility) purchase contract and revocation of an assignment contract. Essence of the dispute In this […]
Litigation We successfully represented a Kazakh company in a case on recognition and enforcement of a Kazakh court judgment in Latvia. The Latvian court agreed to recognise and enforce the EUR 10 million judgment. We assisted in obtaining security to enforce the Latvian court decision as a vitally important tool to actually allow collection in […]
We are pleased to announce having advised Xllnc Nordic on the acquisition of Replace, acting as local advisors through Hansen Law, a world-class Swedish boutique law firm. Replace delivers mobile and IT equipment recycling services to large Nordic and European enterprises, while Xllnc delivers IT lifecycle management solutions to large corporations, the public sector and […]