Deals & Cases
Sorainen is assisting Latectus, a subsidiary of a leading bank in Latvia, with structuring and developing an auction procedure for sale of its real estate portfolio in Latvia and Lithuania. At the first stage Sorainen prepared a memo on the legal framework and at the second stage we drafted auction rules and a template sale […]
Linstow, leading shopping center developer and manager in the Baltic states, has expanded its real estate portfolio by acquiring real estate of complex composition (several separate buildings and a site exceeding 3 hectares) in Riga, near Alfa Retail Park. The real estate was acquired for future commercial development purposes. The value of the deal exceeded […]
Deals & Cases / Raivo Raudzeps
We assisted the Ministry of Defence of Latvia in a contractual dispute with a producer which delivered sub-quality products. Our legal assistance included the provision of an independent assessment of the circumstances of the case, the positions of the parties and the likely outcome of the dispute. Counsel Raivo Raudzeps represented the client.
Eurovia – a subsidiary of VINCI, a world leader in transport infrastructure construction and urban development, operating in 15 countries and with 38,000 employees – has acquired 68.75% shares in Saldus ceïinieks, a leading Latvian builder of road infrastructure. Saldus ceïinieks, established in 1991, specialises in road construction, extraction of aggregates and asphalt production. The […]
Deals & Cases / Reimo Hammerberg
Sorainen Estonia advised NEFCO, an international finance institution established by the five Nordic countries to finance green investment projects primarily in Eastern Europe, on signing a subscription agreement with BaltCap for an equity investment in a new infrastructure fund for the Baltic states. NEFCO will invest EUR 3 million in the BaltCap Infrastructure Fund, which […]