Deals & Cases / Paul Künnap, Pekka Puolakka
Sorainen Estonia advised Sanoma Media Finland on divestment of its fully owned subsidiary Sanoma Baltics to a consortium of management team members and a private equity investor BaltCap. Sanoma Baltics operates auto24.ee, the market leader in Estonian online car classifieds, and Kuldne Börs, an online generalist market place, among others. In 2016, the net sales […]
Sorainen Belarus advised International Finance Corporation on sale of the part of its shares in Belarusky Narodny Bank. The deal was concluded at Belarusian Currency Stock Exchange (BCSE) on 14 February 2017 upon prior consent of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The team which included managing partner Kiryl Apanasevich and senior associate […]
Sorainen advised Ringier Axel Springer Media AG on the local law aspects of its acquisition of 100% of the shares in CV Keskus, operator of leading job classified sites cvkeskus.ee in Estonia, cvmarket.lv in Latvia and cvmarket.lt in Lithuania. Established in Estonia in 2000, CV Keskus expanded to Latvia and Lithuania in 2004. CV Keskus has been […]
Deals & Cases / Tomas Kontautas, Vytautas Sabalys, Laura Matukaitytė
Sorainen advised IBS Lithuania in the process of obtaining an e-money licence from the Bank of Lithuania. The company will be administering payment systems that allow rapid and inexpensive money transfers from Europe to Asia and vice versa. The payment systems will enable opening electronic accounts, issuing e-money, saving money and providing payment services. IBS […]
Deals & Cases / Agris Repšs, Raivo Raudzeps
As early as the beginning of January 2017, the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA) went public with their claim that liquidation proceedings of the Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RPIVA) were not legal. Moreover, LIZDA asked policy makers in education and the parties involved to stop liquidation of the […]