Deals & Cases
Sorainen Belarus office assisted RE/MAX, an American international real estate company on the expansion of real estate franchise to Belarus. Sorainen Belarus team provided full-scope advice on franchising regulation in Belarus, and supported franchisee in registration of the agreement with the local patent authority. Currently Sorainen team advises the client on the ongoing matters of […]
Sorainen Belarus office advised Facebook, Inc., the world’s leading social network, in connection with its acquisition of Masquerade Technologies, Inc., a Belarus-based developer of the popular mask and face-swapping app MSQRD, recently ranked as top mobile application in App Store across more than 60 countries of the world. Primary adviser to Facebook was Fenwick & […]
On 7 March 2016, after evaluating reports prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Lithuanian Competition Council (“Council”) confirmed that Polish insurance company PZU, which acquired 100 % of the shares in Lietuvos draudimas, had timely and properly fulfilled the merger conditions and obligations set by the Council on 9 March, 2014 when issuing a clearance decision for […]
SORAINEN represented the state-owned Latvian National Opera and Ballet (LNOB) in a dispute with the State Labour Inspectorate (SLI) to revoke a decision whereby an administrative penalty was imposed on LNOB. LNOB had concluded a service contract with a choral vocalist; however, SLI considered that an employment contract should have been concluded instead. The decision […]
SORAINEN assisted Markit in acquiring a controlling share in ePartner, a Norwegian B2B IT products supplier. By combining the local strength and volume of ePartner with the IT purchasing system and international reach of Markit, the aim is to create a strong market position and provide a new level of service for Norwegian customers. The […]