Deals & Cases / Tomas Kontautas, Rūdolfs Eņģelis, Jane Eespõld, Santa Rubīna, Jurgita Nikita, Inga Macijauskaitė, Urtė Armonaitė, Inese Heinacka, Zane Paeglīte, Jānis Bite, Andris Tauriņš, Aija Lasmane, Andis Burkevics, Edvīns Draba, Natālija Ešenberga, Marika Grunte, Mārtiņš Rudzītis, Alīna Kalviša, Reimo Hammerberg, Kaupo Lepasepp, Piibe Lehtsaar, Piret Lappert, Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen, Dr Kaido Künnapas, Anneli Krunks, Cathriin Majas, Olivia Kranich, Hanna Pahk, Oliver Ämarik, Augustas Klezys, Mantas Petkevičius, Stasys Drazdauskas, Evaldas Dūdonis, Lina Ragainytė-Mezenė, Kätlin Krisak
On 1 October 2017 the largest transaction of combination of operations in the history of the Baltic financial markets was successfully completed – Luminor launched its operations. Nordea, the largest financial services group in northern Europe, and DNB, Norway’s largest financial services group, completed the combination of their banking, leasing and pensions businesses in Estonia, […]
Sorainen intellectual property lawyers are assisting Primekss, one of the most innovative Latvian companies in the building industry, in patent litigation. Primekss owns a valuable building-industry patent that has gained global recognition and numerous industry awards. Primekss has filed a claim against Latvian construction company Piche for use of Primekss patent technology in building a […]
Sorainen is providing legal assistance to Latima, the Latvian producer of the world’s first approved cancer virotherapy medicine, on trade mark issues and in particular trade mark use in advertising. The client is being advised by partner Agris Repšs and senior associate Andris Tauriòš.
Sorainen Latvia advised Medap Systems, a Latvian developer of medical diagnostics equipment software, on trade mark registration and intellectual property protection issues. Sorainen prepared a legal opinion on registrability of the client’s trade marks and contracts related to software protection. The matter is important as it concerns know-how and intellectual property developed by local entrepreneurs […]
A competitor of Olympic Casino, a leading provider of casino entertainment in Latvia, applied for registration of the trade mark “Olimps Kazino”. Sorainen prepared and filed an opposition arguing that the trade mark conflicts with the earlier trade mark of Olympic Casino. The Board of Appeal decided in favour of Olympic Casino Latvia and declared […]