The Latvian Supreme Court (SC/Court) has decided to partially satisfy a complaint by SIA Bauskas Dzîve (Bauskas Dzīve), publisher of the newspaper Bauskas Dzīve against a decision of the Administrative District Court, which had refused to initiate a case on the basis of Bauskas Dzīve’s application against the conduct of the Council of Iecava Region, publisher […]
Sorainen was appointed by US company CrossFit to protect its intellectual property rights in the Baltic countries and Belarus. CrossFit performs on-going monitoring to prevent unlawful infringement of its intellectual property – the CROSSFIT trade mark. The company has invested significant resources to develop and popularise this trade mark; thus, it has become a widely-known […]
Sorainen is helping Prior Rights, an IT start-up company, with legal issues in relation to development of the client’s innovative mobile application, which aims to protect users’ copyrights on photographs. The Sorainen team is advising on the implications of use of the mobile app, copyright enforcement and data protection. Partner Agris Repšs, senior associate Andris […]
In protecting the principles of a democratic society and media independence, SORAINEN is providing pro bono legal assistance to the newspaper BAUSKAS DZĪVE (BDz) in its fight with Iecava Regional Council (Council) over publishing of journalistic articles and advertising in the municipal newspaper Iecavas Ziòas. BDz has asked the Council to stop publishing these items […]
Sorainen provided legal assistance to reputation management company Lejiņa & Šleiers while they were organising “Silicon Valley Comes to the Baltics”, the leading technology start-up conference in the Baltics. The conference was based on a franchise developed by a Lithuanian company, so that Sorainen assisted Lejiņa & Šleiers in concluding a franchise agreement and cooperation […]