We assisted a furniture manufacturer in an industrial design infringement case. Our client received a warning letter from one of its competitors, who claimed that our client had infringed its rights in registered industrial designs. Our assistance included advising the client and drafting a detailed opposition arguments that countered the competitor’s claims. Our team Our […]
We assisted a manufacturer of interior luminaires in an design infringement case. A competitor claimed that our client infringed on design rights. Our assistance included advising the client and drafting a detailed opposition arguments that countered the competitor’s claims. Our team Our team included partner Andris Tauriņš and assistant lawyer Krišjānis Knodze.
We are assisting one of Latvia’s most legendary rock bands, Līvi, in protecting its trade mark rights. Līvi are considered pioneers in Latvian rock music, having made a significant impact during a time when Latvian-language music was affected by Soviet censorship. The band has managed to secure its legacy not only through concerts and recordings […]
Sorainen is representing consumer lenders DelfinGroup and ViziaFinance before the Constitutional Court regarding a new corporate income tax surcharge. As of 1 January this year, a new Latvian law has obliged consumer lenders to pay a surcharge of 20% of the previous year’s profits on top of corporate income tax (CIT). The legislator argues that […]
Sorainen is representing consumer lender West Kredit before the Constitutional Court regarding a new corporate income tax surcharge. As of 1 January this year, a new Latvian law has obliged consumer lenders to pay a surcharge of 20% of the previous year’s profits on top of corporate income tax (CIT). The legislator argues that consumer […]