Sorainen helped SIA “Novadu Ziņas” – the publisher of Neatkarīgās Tukuma Ziņas – successfully defend their interests before the Latvian Media Ethics council regarding ethics violations committed by the publisher “Tukuma Balss”. Breaches of the Code of Ethics On 18 June 2020, in light of a complaint submitted by SIA “Novadu Ziņas”, the Board […]
We successfully defended the interests of racing organiser National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) in disputes over registration of the NASCAR trademark in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. With the help of our team, the company managed to protect its NASCAR trademark and to invalidate designations of the international registration of an identical trademark […]
We consulted the VEFRESH association, which combines leading technology businesses regarding options to establish an urban smart solution testing area in the VEF district. VEFRESH Association This movement has brought together Latvian companies to jointly promote innovation development in the historical VEF district and its surrounds. The VEF area will turn into a smart-city testing […]
Deals & Cases / Daivis Švirinas, Laimonas Skibarka, Monika Mališauskaitė-Vaupšienė, Ana Novosad, Irma Kunickė, Jonas Kiauleikis, Inga Macijauskaitė, Stasys Drazdauskas, Asta Augutytė-Rapkevičienė, Dobilė Minkutė, Ieva Andersone, Marika Grunte, Andris Tauriņš, Jorens Jaunozols, Līva Aleksejeva
We advised telecommunication company Bitė on entering into a framework agreement with Tele2 to create a shared Radio Access Network (RAN) in Lithuania and Latvia. Partnership to benefit customers and national economies The partnership will boost the 5G network development process so that full coverage will be rolled out much faster than in a standalone […]
Publication that caused dispute We provided legal assistance to Kaspersky Lab, a multinational cybersecurity and anti-virus provider, in civil litigation regarding defamation. A member of the Latvian parliament published an article on his website and in the media. The article contained several false statements and accusations concerning our client. Court decision in favour of our […]