Challenging unfair compensation at the European Court of Human Rights
We are representing Pärnu real estate developer Parem Kallas against the Estonian state during proceedings at the European Court of Human Rights. The complaint is for compensation for damages caused by expropriation for an unreasonable duration (more than 20 years). Unprecedented legal battle In this unprecedented dispute, the ECHR has, for the second time in […]
A special audit identified deficiencies in the previous management of Eesti Energia AS
We conducted a special audit of Eesti Energia and its subsidiaries, commissioned by the Ministry of Finance. Four areas were analysed, and 37 observations were made. “We monitored the implementation of actions agreed upon in internal audits. To do this, we analysed documents, as well as explanations provided to us separately, and information obtained during […]
Court of Justice of the European Union issues ruling in landmark EU food safety dispute
We continue advising M.V.Wool, one of the biggest fish producers in Estonia, in a landmark dispute with the Estonian Agriculture and Food Board (AFB) to test the functioning of food safety rules on the EU level and determine the division of competencies between national authorities and EU. As a part of the dispute, the Court […]
Sorainen represents client in landmark proceedings at the European Court of Human Rights
We are representing a legal person (the client) before the European Court of Human Rights in proceedings against the Republic of Estonia. The basis of the claim is a breach of the right to proceedings within a reasonable time in regard to Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and a breach of […]