Deals & Cases / Reimo Hammerberg, Jane Eespõld, Rūdolfs Eņģelis, Mārtiņš Rudzītis, Edvīns Draba, Tits Gulbis, Tomas Kontautas, Augustas Klezys, Laura Matukaitytė, Kiryl Apanasevich, Viktoryia Mikhnevich, Artem Melnikovich
Sorainen advised one of the largest financial institutions in the region on a financing transaction involving Food Union Group companies. The value of the financing is approx EUR 145 million. Food Union is one of the largest dairy and ice cream producing companies in Europe. It unites companies in 10 countries including Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, […]
Sorainen advised international player Modus Group on the merger of UniPark and Parkdema. UniPark belongs to Modus Group, while Parkdema is managed by the Energy and Infrastructure SME Fund of investment company Lords LB Asset Management. The value of the transaction remains so far undisclosed. Completion of the merger, which still has to be confirmed […]
Deals & Cases / Raivo Raudzeps
Our experts assisted a European-based helicopter producer in an open competition for the purchase of helicopters by the State Border Guard. Our legal assistance included full legal advice throughout the tender process, including advice on procurement procedural matters and tax issues, as well as advising on and analysing the draft contract. Counsel Raivo Raudzeps represented […]
Sorainen Belarus advised International Finance Corporation on sale of the rest 4.99% of its shares in Belarusky Narodny Bank. Two deals with total amount of more than USD 2 million were concluded at Belarusian Currency Stock Exchange (BCSE) on 28 December 2017 under the consent of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The […]
An arbitral tribunal by the World Bank International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has made an award in an investment dispute between energy group E energija (Lithuania) and the Republic of Latvia. This is the first decision on the merits in an ICSID case against the Republic of Latvia, and the only ICSID […]