Deals & Cases / Tomas Kontautas, Rūdolfs Eņģelis, Jane Eespõld, Santa Rubīna, Jurgita Nikita, Inga Macijauskaitė, Urtė Armonaitė, Inese Heinacka, Zane Paeglīte, Jānis Bite, Andris Tauriņš, Aija Lasmane, Andis Burkevics, Edvīns Draba, Natālija Ešenberga, Marika Grunte, Mārtiņš Rudzītis, Alīna Kalviša, Reimo Hammerberg, Kaupo Lepasepp, Piibe Lehtsaar, Piret Lappert, Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen, Dr Kaido Künnapas, Anneli Krunks, Cathriin Majas, Olivia Kranich, Hanna Pahk, Oliver Ämarik, Augustas Klezys, Mantas Petkevičius, Stasys Drazdauskas, Evaldas Dūdonis, Lina Ragainytė-Mezenė, Kätlin Krisak
On 1 October 2017 the largest transaction of combination of operations in the history of the Baltic financial markets was successfully completed – Luminor launched its operations. Nordea, the largest financial services group in northern Europe, and DNB, Norway’s largest financial services group, completed the combination of their banking, leasing and pensions businesses in Estonia, […]
Sorainen advised Greentech, a leading plastic recycler in Europe, on establishing a cross-border joint venture for recycling PET (Polyethylene Terepthalate) packaging waste and in acquiring real estate as a site for planned operations. Greentech is part of the Green Group, the largest integrated recycling park in South-Eastern Europe, which has brought together six companies specializing […]
Deals & Cases / Rūdolfs Eņģelis, Zane Paeglīte, Mārtiņš Rudzītis, Andis Burkevics, Algirdas Pekšys, Reimo Hammerberg, Evaldas Dūdonis, Jane Eespõld, Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen, Tomas Kontautas, Augustas Klezys, Laura Matukaitytė, Aurelija Daubaraitė, Kätlin Krisak
Nasdaq has successfully completed the merger of the central securities depositories of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia into the Latvian entity Nasdaq CSD SE and obtained a licence for it to operate under the new EU regime introduced by the Central Securities Depositories Regulation No. 909/2014. This allows Nasdaq CSD SE to continue to operate as […]
Deals & Cases
Sorainen Estonia advised OpusCapita – a Finnish company focusing on automating and digitalizing customer procurement, invoicing and payment – on divestment of its Finance and Accounting Outsourcing business (FAO) to Longship, a Norwegian private equity investor. The divestment was announced on 4 May 2017. The value of the transaction is undisclosed. In total, 800 employees […]
The Boris and Inâra Teterev Foundation together with the ABLV Charitable Foundation have engaged internationally renowned architect Sir David Adjaye to develop a design for the building to house the Latvian Museum of Contemporary Art. Given the experience and reputation of the architect, it is safe to say that this engagement is significant not […]