Sorainen Lithuania advised Gasum, a Finnish energy company, on sale of the shares of GET Baltic. The shares were acquired by Amber Grid, a Lithuanian gas transmission system operator. The transaction was closed by the end of 2016. The energy company Gasum is a Finnish gas sector (natural gas, LNG and biogas) expert that is […]
Sorainen assisted the client in developing a transfer pricing policy and preparing transfer pricing documentation for Devbridge Group, a US-based technology consultancy company founded in 2008 and having offices in Lithuania. Devbridge Group is a strategic partner to industry leaders in manufacturing, financial services and technology. The prepared transfer pricing policy justifies pricing applied for […]
Sorainen advised Tauropolis, real estate development company, on its acquisition of part of a building complex located in the former Vilniaus Tauro brewery territory in Vilnius, which is a cultural heritage. In a property located in Aludarių street, Tauropolis intends to develop offices, apartments and a hotel as well as the biggest SPA centre in […]
Deals & Cases
Sorainen Estonia advised Silmäasema, the Finnish chain of opticians, on its acquisition of a 100% share in Tallinna Optika, the Estonian chain of opticians, from its founder Kalev Klais. With over 40 years of experience, Silmäasema is a leading provider of vision correction and eye care services in Finland. Pasi Kohmo, the company’s CEO, said […]
Deals & Cases / Reimo Hammerberg
Sorainen Estonia advised Northern Horizon Capital in connection with a secondary public offering and listing of units of the Baltic Horizon Fund on Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange. Units of the Baltic Horizon Fund have been listed on Nasdaq Tallinn stock exchange as of 6 July 2016 and from 23 December 2016 are additionally listed on […]