China Telecom is a Chinese state-owned company and one of the world top telecommunication services providers. Upon concluding a cooperation agreement with SZAO Industrial Park Development Company at the end of 2017, China Telecom built a telecommunication node at the China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park to provide communication services inside the Industrial Park.
Our team, consisting of partner Kiryl Apanasevich, senior associate Aliaksei Daryin, associates Alesia Khadasevich and Olga Solovyanchik, advised the client on obtaining the necessary permits and certifications for construction of a telecommunication node, as well as assisting in commissioning the node, and modernisation and commissioning of the telecommunication equipment. We also assisted the client in negotiating the terms of lease and sublease contracts with regard to the telecommunication centre premises and the site where equipment is stored, as well as the contract terms for provision of access to the telecommunication pipeline facilities. In addition, throughout the project, implementation partner Maksim Salahub; senior associate Kirill Laptev; and associates Artem Melnikovich, Pavel Lashuk, Tatsiana Zubarava and Valeria Dubeshka supported the client with the negotiation, conclusion and further amendment of the contacts with the state-owned telecom company and advised on a wide range of employment and licensing matters.