We advised Baltic Workboats, an Estonian shipbuilding company, with regard to the consortium of 23 industry members led by the client that is developing a modular and semi-autonomous surface vessel platform with a remote control system to be used by European navies.

The consortium won funding of EUR 65 million from the European Defence Fund for this project, codenamed EUROGUARD. The next-generation design, adaptable for various missions, will enable the application of this type of ship in different naval command and support roles. The prototype is expected to be completed in 2028. The sea trials will be conducted in Estonian waters in collaboration with the Estonian Navy.

Consortium agreement

Sorainen drafted the consortium agreement between the 23 consortium partners and supported the client throughout the negotiations of the consortium agreement. The consortium agreement regulates the governance model of the consortium, as well as the ownership and licencing of intellectual property assets used and created by the consortium members.

The subject matter presented a unique challenge as EUROGUARD is only the second of such defence research & development projects led by an Estonian company, and significant due to its overall budget, ranked among top 10 EDF-funded projects. The client is also supported by the Estonian Ministry of Defence and the Estonian Navy, which is eventually looking to modernise its existing fleet where EUROGUARD could play a central role.

Our client team

The client team included partner Kaupo Lepasepp and senior associates Robin Teever and Liisa Maria Kuuskmaa.