Teamdash x Sorainen: Ensure GDPR Compliance in Recruitment Like a Pro

Toimumiskoht: veebiseminar
Toimumisaeg: 11.00 (GMT+3), mai 14, 2024
Ürituse keel: inglise

Since 2018, organisations that collect personal data of EU residents must become compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Recruitment is at the forefront of HR functions, and this data must be collected to make informed hiring decisions. 6 years later, the topic still seems complex for many HR and recruitment teams.

What can you do to ensure the GDPR compliance when sourcing candidates online, from job portals, via email or LinkedIn, and when storing candidate data in your talent pool?

You don’t need to be a law expert to comply with the GDPR in recruitment. Our employment experts and Teamdash recruitment software are here to answer your questions.

This 60-minute webinar will give you an understanding of:

  • The most common mistakes recruiters make
  • The GDPR terms every recruiter must know
  • The risks of non-compliance to the GDPR
  • What data to collect (and what not)
  • How and when to ask for consent
  • How recruitment software can help you ensure and fully automate the GDPR compliance

Register to get a personal access link to your email.  The webinar is free of charge.

At the end of the session, we will also dedicate time for Q&A with the experts!