Sorainen assisted Swedish investment company Eastnine in acquiring three S7 business centres in Vilnius. Transaction value – EUR 128.3 million. This is the biggest acquisition in the office buildings category in the history of the Baltic states. Acquisition of the first business centre was completed in February 2019. Acquisition of the second and third business […]
Sorainen provided full legal support in structuring and incorporating Iron Wolf Capital Fund, which is a fund in the form of a limited partnership. The expected size of the fund is around EUR 25-30 million. The fund will focus on investments in high-growth potential early-stage SMEs engaged in, or planning to be engaged in, R&D […]
Täna avaldas Rahandusministeerium Eesti kapitalituru diagnostika, mille koostasid Civitta Eesti AS ja Sorainen. Rahandusministeerium algatas projekti 2018. aasta märtsis. Seda rahastas Euroopa Liit läbi struktuurireformi tugiteenistuse programmi ja selle aitasid ellu viia Euroopa Komisjoni struktuurireformi tugiteenistus (SRSS) ning Euroopa Rekonstruktsiooni- ja Arengupank (EBRD). Sorainenilt üksikajaslik juriidiline analüüs Soraineni analüüsi eesmärgiks oli kaardistada kapitaliturgude ökosüsteemi hetkeseis […]
Sorainen Latvia is providing legal assistance to the state-owned public limited liability company “Tiesu namu aìentûra” throughout an open competition for the design, construction and supervision of a new prison complex in Liepâja. Legal assistance includes drafting the procurement documents (open competition rules and draft contract) and advising the procurement committee throughout the procurement procedure. […]
Sorainen assisted SBA group company Urban Inventors in acquiring part of the former Kauno grûdai site in Kaunas from Omina bona, Antra kryptis and Emea Rei Limited. Urban Inventors intends to build an office complex on the site measuring approx 2.5 hectares, located on the river shore just in front of Nemunas island. Kaunas city […]