Kogemus / Jane Eespõld, Paul Künnap, Olivia Kranich, Britta Retel, Kätlin Krisak, Kaspar Endrikson, Cathriin Majas, Hanna Pahk, Dr Kaido Künnapas, Piret Lappert, Dr Kadri Härginen, Mirjam Vichmann, Lise-Lotte Lääne
Sorainen ja Cleary Gottlieb Steen Hamilton nõustasid rahvusvahelist pankade sündikaati, millesse kuulusid Citigroup, Carnegie Investment Bank, Erste Group, Swedbank ja LHV Pank, Tallinna Sadama aktsiate avalikus esmapakkumises. Tegemist oli Eesti esimese riigiettevõtte aktsiate avaliku esmapakkumisega pärast 1999. aastat ning Eesti esimese rahvusvahelise elemendiga aktsiate esmapakkumisega. Protsessi tulemusena noteeriti Tallinn Sadama aktsiad Nasdaq Tallinna börsil. Pakkumine […]
Sorainen Belarus, jointly with Sorainen Lithuania, acted as Belarusian and Lithuanian counsel for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in connection with a USD 15 million loan to Modus Group. The loan aims to finance constructing, equipping and putting into operation four biogas plants with total installed capacity of 4MW to be located […]
The world’s largest inland port, Duisburger Hafen, located in Duisburg, Germany, became a shareholder in the Industrial Park Development Company (the management company of the China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park). Sorainen Belarus provided full scope legal support to Duisburger Hafen in connection with the acquisition. Our assistance included representing the client in negotiations with the […]
Sorainen assisted the Lithuanian Ministry of Finance in drafting the Securitisation and covered bond law. The purpose of the law will be to contribute to Lithuanian capital market development and expand financing source options. The new draft law ensures greater opportunities for financial institutions to attract funds and finance business, thus contributing to long-term economic […]
Sorainen advised TeslaPay on establishing a company in Lithuania and obtaining an e-money institution licence from the Bank of Lithuania. TeslaPay’s mission is to provide smoother, faster and cheaper international payment services in regions where the electronic money and payment market is of great future potential. TeslaPay belongs to the Estonian ‘TopCredit’ group of companies providing financial […]