After successfully solving disputes on the architectural value of a former road police building in Giraitës street, the building and its assigned site of 2.2 ha will be turned into an office complex. The building was acquired in 2015 by Lidl Lietuva. Procedures had stopped due to disagreements over the architectural value of the former police […]
Kogemus / Agris Repšs, Raivo Raudzeps
As early as the beginning of January 2017, the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA) went public with their claim that liquidation proceedings of the Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RPIVA) were not legal. Moreover, LIZDA asked policy makers in education and the parties involved to stop liquidation of the […]
Sorainen nõustab investeerimisfondi Providence Equity Partners seoses Balti ettevõtete omandamisega Rootsi meediakontsernilt Modern Times Group (MTG). Tehingu avaldatud väärtus kõigi Balti ettevõtete peale kokku on 115 mln eurot. Providence Equity Partners on globaalselt tegutsev varahaldusettevõte, mille valitsetava vara väärtus on 50 miljardit USA dollarit. Providence Equity Partners oli esimene varahaldusettevõte, mis hakkas rakendama valdkonnapõhist investeerimismudelit […]
Sorainen nõustab juhtivat Norra bussioperaatorit Nettbuss 15%lise osaluse omandamisel rahvusvahelist piletimüügitarkvara loovast Tartu ettevõttest T solutions. T solutionsi nõukogu esimehe Andres Osula sõnul saab Norra ettevõttest strateegiline investor. Hoolimata sellest, et T solutions on põhimõtteliselt suuteline oma kliente teenindama ja toodet arendama ka täiendava investeeringuta, võimaldab Nettbussi investeering ning valdkonna hea tundmine T solutionsil oma […]
A competitor of Olympic Casino, a leading provider of casino entertainment in Latvia, applied for registration of the trade mark “Olimps Kazino”. Sorainen prepared and filed an opposition arguing that the trade mark conflicts with the earlier trade mark of Olympic Casino. The Board of Appeal decided in favour of Olympic Casino Latvia and declared […]