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Sorainen nõustas piirkonna ühte suurimat finantsinstitutsiooni Food Unioni kontserni ettevõtteid hõlmava tehingu rahastamisel. Finantseerimisvahendite väärtuseks on ligikaudu 145 miljonit eurot. Food Union on üks suurimaid piima- ja jäätisetooteid valmistavaid ettevõtteid Euroopas. See ühendab kümne riigi ettevõtteid, sh Lätis, Eestis, Leedus, Venemaal, Valgevenes, Taanis, Norras, Rumeenias, Hiinas ja Hollandis. Soraineni piiriülene meeskond nõustas finantsinstitutsiooni Eesti, Läti, […]
Sorainen Belarus advised International Finance Corporation on sale of the rest 4.99% of its shares in Belarusky Narodny Bank. Two deals with total amount of more than USD 2 million were concluded at Belarusian Currency Stock Exchange (BCSE) on 28 December 2017 under the consent of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The […]
Sorainen Belarus advised Eurotorg LLC, Belarus’ largest food retailer, on a USD 350 million bond issue for a 5-year term with an annual coupon rate of 8.75% maturing on 30 October 2022. The bonds have been issued by, and with limited recourse to, Bonitron Designated Activity Company for the sole purpose of financing a loan […]
Sorainen Belarus supported Gett, a global on-demand mobility company, in the acquisition of its rival Juno, an Israel-based transportation app with an R&D center in Belarus. The team, led by partners Maksim Salahub, Kiryl Apanasevich, and senior associate Kirill Laptev, provided local advice on select matters related to transaction structure, conducted due diligence of Juno’s […]
SORAINEN Belarus advised Fiverun, Inc., California based leading innovator in the mobile point of sale (mPOS) arena, on Belarusian aspects of its sale to Vista Equity Partners (‘Vista’), a leading private equity firm focused on investing in software, data, and technology-enabled companies. Following this acquisition and merger of software developers MarketLive and Shopatron, the addition […]