Sorainen advised Technopolis on its acquisition of the Pentagon business centre and nearby area from the Icor group. Total transaction value is around 32 million euros. Acquisition of the building is already under contract, while acquisition of the area is expected to be completed by the end of 2017. Technopolis is an international real estate […]
Sorainen nõustas Sanoma Media Finlandi seoses ühingu tütarettevõtte Sanoma Baltics müügiga erakapitaliinvestorile BaltCap ja juhatuse liikmete konsortsiumile. Sanoma Baltics opereerib portaale auto24.ee ja Kuldne Börs. 2016. aastal ulatus Sanoma Balticsi müügikäive 4,4 mln euroni. Tehinguga väljub Sanoma Eesti turult. Sanoma Media Finland hakkab edaspidi keskenduma tugeva ja mitmekesise meediategevuse arendamisele Soomes. Soraineni meeskonnas abistasid müüjat […]
Sorainen nõustas Ringier Axel Springer Media AG-d seoses CV Keskuse täisosaluse omandamisega Eesti, Läti ja Leedu õiguse küsimustes. CV Keskusele kuuluvad tööportaalid cvkeskus.ee Eestis, cvmarket.lv Lätis ja cvmarket.lt Leedus. CV Keskus loodi 2000. aastal Eestis. Juba 2004. aastal laieneti ka Läti ja Leedu turule ning alates 2007. aastast oli omanikuks HeadHunter Group. Povilas Kytra, kes […]
After successfully solving disputes on the architectural value of a former road police building in Giraitës street, the building and its assigned site of 2.2 ha will be turned into an office complex. The building was acquired in 2015 by Lidl Lietuva. Procedures had stopped due to disagreements over the architectural value of the former police […]
Kogemus / Agris Repšs, Raivo Raudzeps
As early as the beginning of January 2017, the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA) went public with their claim that liquidation proceedings of the Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RPIVA) were not legal. Moreover, LIZDA asked policy makers in education and the parties involved to stop liquidation of the […]