Sorainen is advising Betsson on the acquisition of gaming operator Lošimø strateginë grupë, trading as TonyBet in Lithuania. Betsson is acquiring Lošimø strateginë grupë through wholly owned subsidiaries and deal closing is expected to take place within a month. The initial acquisition consideration is EUR 4.0 million. TonyBet is the second largest licensed online operator in Lithuania. […]
Sorainen nõustab Põhja-Euroopa suurimat finantskontserni Nordea seoses panga Eesti, Läti ja Leedu äritegevuse ühendamisega DNB-ga, et luua Balti riikides juhtiv, tugevate Põhjamaiste juurtega suurpank. ‘Ühendades Balti turu tundmise, tiheda koostöö meie klientidega ja digitaalse panganduse arengu, on Nordea aastaste jooksul ehitanud Balti riikides üles tugeva ja eduka panga, mis hoiab regioonis tugevat kolmandat kohta. Nüüd […]
Sorainen Belarus advised a Chinese consortium that included online game developer and operator Shanghai Giant Network Technology Co, on Belarusian aspects of acquisition of Playtika, the social and mobile games company based in Herzliya, Israel, owned by Caesars Interactive Entertainment, with a strong development team located in Minsk, Belarus. Sorainen team, which included partner Maksim Salahub, […]
Sorainen Latvia has drafted anti-money laundering (AML) policies and procedures for several non-banking institutional clients. This required extensive analysis of the clients’ business to ensure that AML law requirements are properly complied with and that, from the client’s commercial point of view, the requirements for AML do not materially affect the clients’ business (for instance, […]
Sorainen economic and white collar crime resolution specialists assisted DISTRIPATES GESTION ET PARTICIPATIONS, a French distributor of frozen products for professionals in the bakery and pastry business, in asset recovery. The case involved a cross-border criminal investigation for fraudulently transferred funds and attempted money laundering. Sorainen’s help involved representation of the client as a victim of […]