Sorainen is advising design and publishing company Kopa on implementing a new construction project in the Kaunas free economic zone. The value of the construction contract alone is around five million euros. Kopa started a new printing house project after receiving European Union support for production capacity development and choosing construction company Panevëþio statybos trestas […]
Sorainen Latvia provided legal support under Latvian law on the sale of m/v ‘Regina Baltica’, registered under the Latvian flag. Assistance included drafting the client’s internal corporate documents, analysing the bill of sale and related documents from the Latvian law perspective, as well as organising deletion of mortgages, deregistering the vessel from the Latvian Ship […]
German investor Ralf Dieter Montag-Girmes has sold his stake in Latvia’s national carrier airBaltic to Danish entrepreneur Lars Thuesen. Latvian Prime Minister Mâris Kuèinskis commented that all the latest developments in airBaltic have been taking place in order to strengthen the company. In 2015, Mr Montag-Girmes acquired 20% of the Latvian airline’s shares for an […]
Sorainen advised Technopolis on its acquisition of the Pentagon business centre and nearby area from the Icor group. Total transaction value is around 32 million euros. Acquisition of the building is already under contract, while acquisition of the area is expected to be completed by the end of 2017. Technopolis is an international real estate […]
Sorainen nõustas Sanoma Media Finlandi seoses ühingu tütarettevõtte Sanoma Baltics müügiga erakapitaliinvestorile BaltCap ja juhatuse liikmete konsortsiumile. Sanoma Baltics opereerib portaale auto24.ee ja Kuldne Börs. 2016. aastal ulatus Sanoma Balticsi müügikäive 4,4 mln euroni. Tehinguga väljub Sanoma Eesti turult. Sanoma Media Finland hakkab edaspidi keskenduma tugeva ja mitmekesise meediategevuse arendamisele Soomes. Soraineni meeskonnas abistasid müüjat […]