Baltic Private M&A Deal Points Study 2022 esitlusüritus
Toimumiskoht: Gallery Cafe, Rotermanni 6
9.00, jaanuar 18, 2023
Ürituse keel: inglise keeles

For the EstVCA Coffee Connections in January, we’ll be meeting for a morning coffee in Rotermanni Gallery Cafe to dig deeper into the private M&A deals trends in 2022 – the launch event of the “Baltic Private M&A Deal Points Study 2022”.
The study analysed 155 private M&A transactions with a deal value of over EUR 1 million completed in the Baltics during the period April 2020 – March 2022. The analysis gives a thorough overview of the most active sectors, sales processes and forms of transactions, payment terms and liability provisions, and much more.
- Toomas Prangli (Sorainen)
- Kadri Kallas (TGS Baltic)
- Sven Papp (Ellex Raidla)
- Peeter Kutman (COBALT)
- Maivi Ots (Eversheds Sutherland)
- Rolan Jankelevitsh (WALLESS)
- Ergo Blumfeldt (TRINITI)
The event will be in English and on-site only.