Start up smart! Free pan-Baltic legal clinic for startups

Toimumiskoht: MS Teeams
Toimumisaeg: 09:00-17:00, oktoober 26, 2023
Ürituse keel: English, Estonian

From beginning your startup to the journey of scaling, the right legal advice can be your guiding roadmap on the way to success. Give your startup the boost it needs!

Join us for our free legal clinic on October 26th to discuss any legal questions you might have.

The clinic will take place online simultaneously in all three Baltic countries. Each startup is eligible to book a one-hour time slot for personalised legal guidance tailored to the nature of your question from our team of startup experts, as well as other legal professionals.

Book your online meeting via the link below:

Power up your startup with the expertise of our team

Boasting extensive experience in the field, our Startup sector group will be hosting the legal clinic in three Baltic countries.

Together with other lawyers, our comprehensive team will help you tackle all the legal and tax questions you might face when building the next unicorn. Trust us – we’ve advised on more than half the unicorn-making deals in the Baltics!

In ESTONIA, the clinic will be hosted by senior associates Mirell Prosa and Oliver Kuusk, and associate Vladislav Leiri. Mirell leads our Startup sector group in Estonia, while Oliver heads the Technology, Media and Telecommunications sector group.

From intellectual property to shareholders’ agreements and licensing matters, we have an integrated international team of more than 250 lawyers to cover you!

About the project

The free legal clinic programme for startups is a Sorainen initiative founded in 2019. Its mission is to offer free legal counselling for startups.

Sorainen – connecting legal experience with innovation