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Sorainen advised Finnish fund YCE Housing I, managed by Vicus Capital Advisors Limited, on investment in Stage I of the ‘Raitininkø sodai’ residential construction project in Vilnius. The project, developed by Lithuanian construction company YIT Kausta, involves construction of a complex of 210 modern apartments in a strategically attractive area in Vilnius close to the […]
Sorainen advised Baltic Horizon Fund, managed by Northern Horizon Capital, in acquiring the Vainodes 1 office building in Riga, at a total purchase price of approx EUR 21.3 million. On 14 November 2017 the deal was confirmed when a share purchase agreement was signed with sellers NULE 4 and NM 2 for the acquisition of […]
Sorainen is advising German technology company Continental on building a new manufacturing plant in Lithuania. The company will be building an electronic components manufacturing plant in the Kaunas region. Continental plans to invest EUR 95 million over the next five years and to create approx 1000 new jobs. The company plans to complete construction and start […]
Metsä Groupi metsatööstusettevõte Metsä Wood ostis kevadel Pärnu linnas 10-hektarilise tööstuskrundi, millele rajatakse kasevineeri tehas. Uue tehase nurgakivi pandi paika augustis. Uus tehas alustab tootmist 2018. aasta lõpuks ning loob Pärnumaale ligikaudu 200 uut töökohta. Metsä Woodi ja Nordeconi vahel sõlmitud ehitusleping hõlmab 29 000 m2 suuruse tootmistsehhi ning kontoriruumide ehitamist. Investeeringu kogumaht on ligikaudu […]
Decathlon is the first tenant in VNO verslo ir prekybos parkas – a commercial project developed in southern Vilnius. The first Decathlon store in the Baltics is planned to open in autumn 2018. The store is expected to occupy an area of 5000 m2 and the project also offers the possibility to expand by an additional […]