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Lindström, one of Europe’s leading textile service companies with over 165 years of experience in the textile industry, has expanded its business in Latvia by opening a new factory in the town of Tukums. The factory will provide 120 jobs and goods produced there will mostly be exported. Sorainen advised the client in negotiations with […]
Sorainen is advising design and publishing company Kopa on implementing a new construction project in the Kaunas free economic zone. The value of the construction contract alone is around five million euros. Kopa started a new printing house project after receiving European Union support for production capacity development and choosing construction company Panevëþio statybos trestas […]
Sorainen advised Technopolis on its acquisition of the Pentagon business centre and nearby area from the Icor group. Total transaction value is around 32 million euros. Acquisition of the building is already under contract, while acquisition of the area is expected to be completed by the end of 2017. Technopolis is an international real estate […]
Leedu kinnisvaratiimi üks juhte Aušra Mudënaitë märkis, et Laura Nalivaikienë liitumine tugevdab veelgi Soraineni kinnisvara- ja ehitusõiguse valdkonda. “Laural on olnud oluline roll Leedu planeerimis- ja ehitusvaldkonna õigusaktide väljatöötamisel ning ta on selles vallas kogu riigi parimaid asjatundjaid. Oleme kindlad, et Laura 15-aastane avaliku teenistuse kogemus on nii era- kui avaliku sektori klientide nõustamisel erakordselt […]
After successfully solving disputes on the architectural value of a former road police building in Giraitës street, the building and its assigned site of 2.2 ha will be turned into an office complex. The building was acquired in 2015 by Lidl Lietuva. Procedures had stopped due to disagreements over the architectural value of the former police […]