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Sorainen Lithuania advised Gasum, a Finnish energy company, on sale of the shares of GET Baltic. The shares were acquired by Amber Grid, a Lithuanian gas transmission system operator. The transaction was closed by the end of 2016. The energy company Gasum is a Finnish gas sector (natural gas, LNG and biogas) expert that is building […]
Sorainen nõustas kinnisvarainvesteerimisfondi LB Baltic Fund IV seoses ärihoone ostuga, mille pindu kasutavad pikaajaliste üürilepingutega muu hulgas Euroopa Komisjoni ja Euroopa Parlamendi esindused. Tehing oli eriline selle poolest, et müüdi hoonestusõigust ning renoveerimistööd olid tehingu toimumise ajal osaliselt alles pooleli. Lisaks võeti tehingu jaoks kasutusele lahendusi, mida varem pole Eestis sedalaadi tehingute puhul kasutatud. Lords […]
SORAINEN Latvia is advising Storent on everyday employment matters, including employment termination, employment of management board members, as well as reviewing and updating the client’s internal policies and regulations. Storent is a leading construction and industrial equipment rental company in the Baltics with an extensive rental network throughout all three Baltic countries. The client is […]
SORAINEN is providing legal assistance to RB Rail, including drafting an agreement between all beneficiaries involved in EU funding of management, control and reporting aspects of use of EU funding, developing a procurement strategy for RB Rail and the Rail Baltic / Rail Baltica railway construction project, advising on legal aspects of public procurement related […]
MG Valda has acquired land at former factory Skaiteks from Panevëþio keliai and closed one of the biggest real estate development transactions in Lithuania so far this year. With this transaction Naujasis Uþupis, a subsidiary company of Panevëþio keliai, which was established for the Paupys project, transferred its shares to MG Valda. Paupys is the […]