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Linstow, leading shopping center developer and manager in the Baltic states, has expanded its real estate portfolio by acquiring real estate of complex composition (several separate buildings and a site exceeding 3 hectares) in Riga, near Alfa Retail Park. The real estate was acquired for future commercial development purposes. The value of the deal exceeded […]
Sorainen is assisting Latectus, a subsidiary of a leading bank in Latvia, with structuring and developing an auction procedure for sale of its real estate portfolio in Latvia and Lithuania. At the first stage Sorainen prepared a memo on the legal framework and at the second stage we drafted auction rules and a template sale […]
Sorainen advised the Latvian subsidiary of Antalis, a leading global paper and packaging distributor operating in over 43 countries, in the sale and leaseback of an industrial plant located in Latvia, with an approximate transaction value of 4 million EUR. Sorainen advised the client through drafting the real estate sale and lease agreement, negotiations between […]
Sorainen advised Regus on leasing office premises with an area of 1,200 m2 at the Park Town business centre developed by MG Valda. Regus is the world’s largest provider of flexible workspace solutions, with a network of 3 000 locations in over 1 000 towns and cities, across more than 100 countries, serving 2.3 million […]
Sorainen nõustas kinnisvarainvesteerimisfondi LB Baltic Fund IV seoses ärihoone ostuga, mille pindu kasutavad pikaajaliste üürilepingutega muu hulgas Euroopa Komisjoni ja Euroopa Parlamendi esindused. Tehing oli eriline selle poolest, et müüdi hoonestusõigust ning renoveerimistööd olid tehingu toimumise ajal osaliselt alles pooleli. Lisaks võeti tehingu jaoks kasutusele lahendusi, mida varem pole Eestis sedalaadi tehingute puhul kasutatud. Lords […]