Sorainen Belarus supported Gett, a global on-demand mobility company, in the acquisition of its rival Juno, an Israel-based transportation app with an R&D center in Belarus. The team, led by partners Maksim Salahub, Kiryl Apanasevich, and senior associate Kirill Laptev, provided local advice on select matters related to transaction structure, conducted due diligence of Juno’s […]
Sorainen advised Lietuvos Energija in establishing a EUR 1 billion Euro Medium Term Note Programme and preparing to issue and distribute the first tranche of up to EUR 200 million. The tranche will be primarily listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and will also be listed on the Debt Securities Trading […]
VAATA OMA GRUPISISESED LAENUSUHTED ÜLE ENNE 01.07.2017! Uudiseid laenude maksustamise rindelt Oma 16. mai 2017 uudiskirjas kirjutasime riigikogus esimese lugemise läbinud kavast kehtestada panditulumaks, millega maksustataks kõik tütarühingult emaühingutele antud niinimetatud kasumilaenud. Kuigi panditulumaksu ideest loobuti, võttis Riigikogu 19.06.2017 vastu tulumaksuseaduse muudatuse, millega kehtestati pikaajaliste laenude puhul ümberpööratud tõendamiskohustus ning seotud isikutele antud laenude deklareerimise kohustus. Grupisiseste laenude […]
Sorainen intellectual property lawyers are assisting Primekss, one of the most innovative Latvian companies in the building industry, in patent litigation. Primekss owns a valuable building-industry patent that has gained global recognition and numerous industry awards. Primekss has filed a claim against Latvian construction company Piche for use of Primekss patent technology in building a […]
Sorainen is providing legal assistance to Latima, the Latvian producer of the world’s first approved cancer virotherapy medicine, on trade mark issues and in particular trade mark use in advertising. The client is being advised by partner Agris Repšs and senior associate Andris Tauriòš.