Sorainen is providing legal assistance to Latima, the Latvian producer of the world’s first approved cancer virotherapy medicine, on trade mark issues and in particular trade mark use in advertising. The client is being advised by partner Agris Repšs and senior associate Andris Tauriòš.
The Lithuanian Insurers Association has issued guidelines on conclusion of non-life insurance contracts. All insurance companies that are members of the association aim to apply the guidelines in their activities. This self-regulatory document was prepared by the association together with Sorainen experts. The aim of the guidelines is to keep up with the constant development […]
Sorainen advised the Latvian subsidiary of Antalis, a leading global paper and packaging distributor operating in over 43 countries, in the sale and leaseback of an industrial plant located in Latvia, with an approximate transaction value of 4 million EUR. Sorainen advised the client through drafting the real estate sale and lease agreement, negotiations between […]
Contrarian Ventures, advised by Sorainen, won a tender to become manager of a venture capital fund established by Lietuvos Energija. The state-owned energy company invested EUR 5 million in the fund. The same amount is expected to be attracted from other investors. The total amount of the fund could reach EUR 10 million. The fund […]
15. juunil nimetas Euromoney Legal Media Group äriõigusega tegelevate naisadvokaatide auhinnagalal „European Women in Business Law Awards” Soraineni advokaadid 2017. aasta Baltikumi parimaiks. “European Women in Business Law Awards” tunnustab ettevõtteid, kes paistavad silma soolise mitmekesisuse, innovatsiooni, mentorluse, töö ja eraelu vahel tasakaalu leidmise, pro bono töö ja talendijuhtimise poolest ning ühtlasi tunnustab ka väljapaistvaid […]