Kogemus / Maksim Salahub, Marina Golovnitskaya, Kirill Laptev
Sorainen Belarus supported Synopsys in the light of its acquisition of Codiscope, LLC, another US-based software company. Sorainen support included revision of the software development agreement concluded by Codiscope with a Belarusian counterparty and advising on IP transfer and licensing matters. Synopsys, Inc. is the world’s 15th largest software company, established in the US, with […]
AMC Theatres (AMC Entertainment Holdings, AMC) sõlmis lepingu Põhja- ja Baltimaade suurima kinooperaatori Nordic Cinema Group (Nordic) omandamiseks. Nordic opereerib 68 kino ning omab lisaks olulist vähemusosalust (ligi 50%list) veel 50 kinos, millele Nordic pakub erinevaid teenuseid. Nordicu kinod on turuliidrid Rootsis, Soomes, Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. Norras ollakse turuosalt praegu teisel kohal, kuid uus […]
Sorainen Lithuania advised Gasum, a Finnish energy company, on sale of the shares of GET Baltic. The shares were acquired by Amber Grid, a Lithuanian gas transmission system operator. The transaction was closed by the end of 2016. The energy company Gasum is a Finnish gas sector (natural gas, LNG and biogas) expert that is building […]
Sorainen Latvia assisted in developing transfer pricing policy for Devbridge Group, a US-based software development company with offices in Lithuania. The prepared transfer pricing policy justifies pricing applied for provision of software development services to a parent company in the USA. The client was advised by partner Jânis Taukaès and associate Kaspars Strazds.
Soraineni pangandus-, finants- ja kindlustusvaldkonna juht, partner Tomas Kontautas on alates 1. jaanuarist 2017 Leedu kontori juhtivpartner. „Soraineni Leedu kontor on viimastel aastatel jõudsasti kasvanud ning Tomas Kontautase käe all kasvutrend kindlasti jätkub,“ sõnas büroo vanempartner Aku Sorainen. „Meie neljas riigis ühtse tervikuna toimivat bürood juhib regionaalne partnerkond, kes roteerib juhtimisrolle, ning me peame seda […]