Väljaanded / Tanel Molok
Kaubanduskoja pöördumine ajab vaidlema. Advokaadibüroo Sorainen maksuõiguse vandeadvokaat Tanel Molok leiab, et sotsiaalmaksu langetamise ärajätmine on vastuolus nii maksukorralduse seaduse kui ka põhiseadusega. Moloki hinnangul on võimalik, et president jätab seaduse välja kuulutamata just seepärast, et see on põhiseadusega vastuollu läinud. Tutvu artikliga.
Kogemus / Vytautas Sabalys
Sorainen Lithuania Startup Team assisted International Fintech with launching operations in Lithuania. International Fintech, backed by investors from Israel, is developing a system that provides e-money and e-wallet services to online customers. Sorainen provided legal support in the process of obtaining an e-money licence from the Bank of Lithuania. The licence authorises e-wallet and e-money […]
Sorainen advised CPA:17 – Global on the acquisition of a modern Class A central logistics facility located in Kaunas and signing a long-term lease agreement with Kesko Senukai, a leading Do-It-Yourself retailer in Lithuania and the Baltic States. The property was purchased for approx EUR 60 million, including associated acquisition fees and expenses. CPA:17 – […]
Kogemus / Eva Berlaus, Toms Vilnis
Sorainen Latvia assisted Primekss, one of the most innovative Latvian companies in the building industry, with corporate reorganisation of two of its group companies in Latvia, with an aim to optimise the group set up. Partner Eva Berlaus and associate Toms Vilnis worked on this assignment. Primekss is a concrete producer from Latvia that has become one of the […]
Sorainen is helping Prior Rights, an IT start-up company, with legal issues in relation to development of the client’s innovative mobile application, which aims to protect users’ copyrights on photographs. The Sorainen team is advising on the implications of use of the mobile app, copyright enforcement and data protection. Partner Agris Repšs, senior associate Andris […]