Enforceability of arbitral awards in the Baltics and Sweden – recent trends and a look to the future
We warmly welcome you to an event exploring the enforceability of arbitral awards in the Baltics and Sweden.
With the growing use of arbitration to resolve international disputes, the enforceability of arbitral awards remains a significant concern for parties seeking a reliable and efficient method of dispute resolution. The enforceability of arbitral awards is particularly topical against sovereign states, such as the Russian Federation, because state immunity and the potential for political influence can pose significant challenges to enforcement.
Join us as we delve into the latest developments and gauge the future of the enforceability of arbitral awards in this region, followed by a light brunch and networking. This is a unique opportunity to gain insights from legal experts and network with like-minded professionals. We hope to see you there!
The event is co-organised by Sorainen and Norburg & Scherp as a pre-event to the Baltic Arbitration Days, which will take place immediately after the event in the same building.
The event is free of charge, but due to limited seating, registration is required.
For more information: valts.nerets@sorainen.com.
Welcome remarks
Maria Pihlak (Partner, Sorainen, Estonia)
Panel discussion
Valts Nerets (Partner, Sorainen, Latvia) Anina Liebkind (Partner Norburg & Scherp, Sweden) Ieva Rimavičienė (Counsel, Sorainen, Lithuania) Nadiya Mykiyevych, Senior Associate, INTEGRITES, Ukraine
Closing remarks
Fredrik Norburg (Partner, Norburg & Scherp, Sweden)