Legal Business Development Global Virtual Summit
We are proud to announce that our founding partner Aku Sorainen will be speaking at the International Bar Associations’ Legal Business Development Global Virtual Summit about knowledge management. This one-of-a-kind summit, organized by IBA, features a handpicked lineup of 30+ world-class Legal Business Development & Marketing Experts with successful legal and business experience.
As a part of the seminar Aku will talk about why a systematic approach to managing knowledge is more relevant than AI? What does it mean to manage knowledge? How can firms capture the collective wisdom of their talented attorneys and put it at the fingertips of their entire team – and to the benefit of clients?
Knowledge management is fundamentally about enabling a law firm to leverage its collective experience. It’s a means to preserve and enhance a firm’s ability to act as a law firm, as opposed to a collection of individual lawyers.
That means the ability to access and reuse everything from past work products to the firm’s knowledge and experience. It involves process improvement, technology and collaboration. Do law firms really need a KM program?
Aku will share with us his insights, suggestions and practical tools for knowledge management for successful business development.