Modern Bar Association: New Legaltech Challenges – LegalTech in Europe

Place: Warsaw/Online
Time: June 15-16, 2023
Working language: English

Our senior partner Aku Sorainen will be one of the speakers at the Warsaw Bar Association conference “Modern Bar Association: New Legaltech Challenges – LegalTech in Europe”. The event will be held online and in-person in Warsaw 15 and 16 June.

The aim of the conference is to provide attendees with an understanding of the revolutionary changes taking place in the legal services sector. Technology is no longer just one of many tools used by lawyers. Legaltech has transformed the way law firms operate and how they deliver their services to clients. Speakers will present on a wide variety of topics, including:

  • The role of LegalTech in the future of the legal industry
  • The impact of AI and machine learning on legal services
  • Cybersecurity and data privacy in the legal industry
  • The role of legal design in improving the delivery of legal services
  • The future of legal education in the age of digital transformation and artificial intelligence
  • The role of LegalTech in access to justice
  • The ethical implications of LegalTech

Online conference attendance is free, however in-person attendees can register via email. Please find more information regarding the programme and registration here.