Sanctions Challenges at the ECBA Criminal Law Conference

On 6 and 7 October 2023, an international conference of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, bringing together almost a hundred defence lawyers from different European countries.
Dr. iur. Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte, counsel and a member of the ECBA, and head of the White Collar & Compliance practice at Sorainen’s Latvian office, participated in a panel discussion on implementation, enforcement and criminal procedural challenges of sanctions.
Counsel Darius Raulušaitis and Krista Niklase, a member of the ECBA, an associate with Sorainen’s White Collar & Compliance practice, also participated in the conference.
In addition to issues of sanctions, the conference program also covered issues related to criminal procedural safeguards and new European Union regulations in the field of combatting corruption. A more detailed review of the conference is available on the ECBA website here.