Tallinn SCF Summit’23

Supply Chain Finance (SCF) is a rapidly growing area in working capital management – the global volume of buyer-approved payables increased by a staggering 38% from 2020 to 2021.
For buyers and suppliers SCF relieves cash flow pains exactly when needed – during the payment period. Suppliers can sell their receivables without recourse and utilising their own credit limits, while buyers can align cash flows and optimise the balance sheet. Financiers, on the other hand, appreciate the verified nature of SCF transactions, given growing risks and compliance requirements.
The event will attract corporate bankers, CFOs, procurement and sales managers, lawyers, IT specialists as well as policymakers operating in areas related to SCF.
From Sorainen Latvia will participate our senior associate Marika Grunte and will contribute to the panel Impact of Unfair Trade Practices and Late Payment regulations on trade relations, and their impact on payment practices.
You can join the event in-person or remotely. Find out more about the programme and signing up on the event website HERE.