Workshop: The impact of the Banking Union and beyond

The economic and financial crisis that hit Europe a decade ago showed that the rules in force in the European Union (EU) could not cope with a banking and debt crisis appropriately. To tackle this problem, several reforms were introduced within the EU among which is the creation of the Banking Union (2012).
This workshop – organised as part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie project IMPACTEBU – aims at analysing and assessing the impact of these changes on EU Member States.
Sciences Po Law School, 4 October 2021 (13:15-18:00) & 5 October 2021 (8:45-13:15)
One of the speakers – our of counsel Mārtiņš Rudzītis – with presentation – “The reform of institutional framework for financial supervision in Latvia”
More info about the programme HERE.