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SORAINEN Latvia is advising Storent on everyday employment matters, including employment termination, employment of management board members, as well as reviewing and updating the client’s internal policies and regulations. Storent is a leading construction and industrial equipment rental company in the Baltics with an extensive rental network throughout all three Baltic countries. The client is […]
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SORAINEN provided legal assistance to reputation management company Lejiòa & Šleiers while they were organising “Silicon Valley Comes to the Baltics”, the leading technology start-up conference in the Baltics. The conference was based on a franchise developed by a Lithuanian company, so that SORAINEN assisted Lejiòa & Šleiers in concluding a franchise agreement and cooperation agreements with […]
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SORAINEN Estonian office advised Amanda V East L.P., the fund managed by Finland-based eQ Private Equity, in making investment into DenCap. DenCap already held investment in dental care provider Unimed Group and has now additionally acquired occupational health care service provider Qvalitas. Amanda V East L.P. made the investment as a direct co-investment with BaltCap […]
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SORAINEN konsultavo bendrovæ „Northern Horizon Capital“ keièiant fondo valdymo ámonës licencijà Estijoje á alternatyvaus investavimo fondø valdymo ámonës (AIFVÁ) licencijà ir ásteigiant naujà uþdaro tipo nuolat veikiantá (angl. evergreen) investiciná fondà. Estijos finansø prieþiûros institucija (EFPI) išdavë AIFVÁ licencijà ir 2016 m. geguþës 23 d. áregistravo fondà pavadinimu „Baltic Horizon Fund“ (Fondas). Nekilnojamojo turto valdymo ámonë „Northern Horizon […]
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Developing transfer pricing policy (TP) for Enerstena UAB, a Lithuanian manufacturer and distributor of biomass boiler plants in the Baltic States and Ukraine. SORAINEN prepared TP policy for justification of pricing applied for intra-group transactions such as manufacturing services, automation services, management and support services, sale of spare parts and provision of loans. The client […]